Scientific Program

Poster Sessions

Thursday, September 16, 2010
0800 - 0900
ICP – computation and measurements
O. Baledent (Amiens/FR)
O 75
Simultaneous measurements of intracranial pressure parameters in the epidural space and in brain parenchyma of hydrocephalus patients
P.K. Eide, W. Sorteberg (Oslo/NO)
O 76
Complexity analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid pulse waveform during infusion Studies
D. Santamarta (León/ES), D. Abásolo, R. Hornero (Valladolid/ES), E. González Martínez, J. García-Cosamalón (León/ES)
O 77
Comparison and optimisation methodology of models of cerebral autoregulation
M. Shaw, I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), M. Daley (Memphis TN/US)
O 78
New ICP minimally invasive method shows monro-kellie doctrine not valid
S. Mascarenhas (São Carlos/BR), C. Carlotti (Ribeirão Preto/BR), G. Frigieri Vilela, L. E. G. Damiano (São Carlos/BR), W. Seluque, B. Colli, K. Tanaka (Ribeirão Preto/BR)
O 79
Personality, psychological and neurocognitive factors across time in mild traumatic brain injury patients with post-concussive symptoms
C.B.-T. Ang, A. Meyyappan, S. Collinson (Singapore/SG)
0900 - 0910
Coffee break
0910 - 1000
Presentation of posters - Session 15-17
1000 - 1020
Coffee break
1020 - 1140
Hydrocephalus – diagnosis & treatment
M. Kiefer (Homburg-Saar/DE), P.K. Eide (Oslo/NO)
O 80
Predicition of response and changes of compliance related parameters during 3 day lumbar drainage trial in NPH patients
A. Speil, J.C. Sosa, B. E. Will, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE)
O 81
Effects of early and late reservoir treatment in experimental neonatal hydrocephalus
R. Eskandari, O. Abdullah, E. Burdett, C. Bryan, K. Carlson, K. Deren, M. Mason, E. Hsu, J.P. McAllister (Salt Lake City UT/US)
O 82
Reactive gliosis and inflammation in rats with neonatal hydrocephalus
K. Deren, P. McAllister, M. Packer, B. Milash, O. Abdullah, E. Hsu (Salt Lake City UT/US)
O 83
Normal cerebrospinal fluid levels of hypocretin-1 (orexin A) in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension 
M.-A. Poca, R. Galard, E. Serrano, M. Angels Merino, P. Pozo, J. Sahuquillo, E. Solana, M. Dolores de la Calzada (Barcelona/ES).
O 84
Different origins of hydrocephalus leads to different revision rates or is posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus a temporary condition?
S. Kaestner, A. Stiegel (Kassel/DE)
O 10
Comparing different algorithms for automated B-wave recognition
M. Kiefer, M. Schmitt, S. Antes (Homburg-Saar/DE), I. Krause (Aachen/DE), R. Eymann (Homburg-Saar/DE)
1140 - 1200
Coffee break
1200 - 1300
TBI – clinical aspects
P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE)
O 86
Traumatic brain injury in elderly: a significant phenomenon
B. Depreitere, G. Meyfroidt, F. Guiza Grandas (Leuven/BE), I. Chambers (Middleborough/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES)
O 87
Intracranial pressure monitoring and long term risk of epilepsy in head injury
P. Bhattathiri, B. Gregson, A. D. Mendelow (Newcastle upon Tyne/GB)
O 88
Measurement of intracranial pressure: a preliminary study using a fluid-saturated gel
M. Ros, P. Yameogo, P. Payoux, P. Swider, E. Schmidt (Toulouse/FR)
O 89
CT-angiography as confirmatory test in brain death
S. Welschehold, S. Boor, K. Reuland, T. Kerz, A. Reuland, W. Mueller-Forell (Mainz/DE)
O 90
The validity of clinical prognostic scoring systems for intracerebral hemorrhage in a large, multi-ethnic asian patient population
C.B.-T. Ang, V. Tay, J.C. Jr. Allen (Singapore/SG)
1300 - 1430
Lunch break
1430 - 1550
Spreading depolarization/monitoring networks
P. Hutchinson (Cambridge/GB), W. Poon (Hong Kong/HK)
O 91
Early warning of EUSIG defined hypotensive events using a bayesian artificial neural network
R. Donald (Glasgow/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), I. Chambers (Newcastle/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), K. Kiening, J. Mattern (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES), R. Sinnott, A. Stell (Glasgow/GB)
O 92
Spreading depolarizations in clusters primarily affect cerebral metabolism in viable tissue of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
O. Sakowitz, E. Santos (Heidelberg/DE), A. Nagel (Berlin/DE), K.L. Krajewski, D.N. Hertle (Heidelberg/DE), J.P. Dreier (Berlin/DE), A. Unterberg (Heidelberg/DE), A.S. Sarrafzadeh (Berlin/DE)
O 93
Increased intracranial pressure is followed by delayed spontaneous cortical spreading depolarization in a rodent model of acute subdural hematoma
B. Alessandri, S. Tretzel, A. Heimann, O. Kempski (Mainz/DE)
O 94
The AVERT-IT HypoNet System: a distributed infrastructure for the automated collection of the BrainIT Core Dataset
A. Stell, I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), I. Chambers (Newcastle/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), Barbara Gregson (Newcastle/GB), Tim Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES), R. Donald (Dingwall/GB), R. Sinnott (Glasgow/GB)
O 95
Early prediction of elevated ICP events by mining data from routinely monitored signals
F. Guiza Grandas, G. Meyfroidt, B. Depreitere (Leuven/BE), I. Chambers (Middlesbrough/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES)
O 96
Data mining for prediction of poor neurological outcomes after traumatic brain Injury
F. Guiza, B. Depreitere, G. Meyfroidt (Leuven/BE), I. Chambers (Middlesbrough/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES)
1600 - 1620
Closing remarks
M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE)
New secretary
Poster Sessions 
Thursday, September 16, 2010
0910 - 1000
Poster session 15 (P15) – Imaging/Diagnostics
M. Mase (Nagoya/JP)
P 96 The Rotterdam CT scoring system correlates better to ICP, dynamic changes and outcome than the Marshall scoring system
L. Bobinski, M. Olivecrona, L.-O. Koskinen (Umea/SE)
P 97 Perfusion-computed tomography in space occupying intracerebral hematomas
N. Etminan, K. Beseoglu, B. Turowski, H.-J. Steiger, D. Hänggi (Düsseldorf/DE)
P 98 Use of CT angiography for diagnosis of brain death. comparison with TCD data
B. Bruk, G. Greenberg, R. Tsabari, D. Tanne, M. Hadani (Tel Aviv/IL)
P 99 The imaging diagnosis and prognosis assessment on patients with mesencephalon injury in the acute phase of craniocerebral injury
M. Yu (Shanghai/CN)
P 100 Modified brainstem auditory evoked responses in patients with non-traumatic, non-brainstem compressive expansive cerebral lesions
J. Stone, J. Fino, P. Vannemreddy, F. Charbel (Chicago IL/US)
P 101 Elevated serum biomarkers associated with increased intracranial pressure after severe traumatic brain injury
S. Mondello (Gainesville/US), A. Buki (Pecs/HU), R. Bullock (Miami FL/US), C. Robertson (Houston TX/US), P. Barzo (Sezged/HU) E. Czeiter, E. Ezer, (Pecs/HU), J. Streeters (Alachua FL/US), K. Schmidt, F. Tortella (Silver Spring MD/US), K. Wang, R. Hayes (Gainesville/US)
P 102 ApoE-e4 and ICP influences the levels of S-100B and NSE in severe traumatic brain injury
Z. Olivecrona (Uppsala/SE), L.-O. Koskinen (Umeå/SE)
0910 - 1000
Poster session 16 (P16) – BioPhysics 3
X. Hu (Los Angeles CA/US)
P 103 Go Green! – a strategic guide to reuse brain monitoring data with missing values
M. Feng, N.K.K. King, L.Y. Loy, P.L. Chin, Z. Zhang, K. Vellaisamy, C. Guan, K.K. Lee, B.C. Pang, C.B.-T. Ang (Singapore/SG)
P 104 Non-invasive cerebrovascular autoregulation real-time monitoring: in vivo study
A. Ragauskas, E. Kalvaitis, V. Petkus, R. Chomskis, A. Kalasauskiene, L. Kalasauskas (Kaunas/LT)
P 105 Analysis of intracranial pressure time-series using Wavelets (HAAR basis functions)
H.E. Heissler (Hanover/DE), K. König (Celle/DE), J.K. Krauss (Hanover/DE), E. Rickels (Celle/DE)
P 106 Physical phantom of cranio-spinal hydrodynamics
R. Bouzerar (Amiens/FR), M. Czosnyka, Z. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), O. Balédent (Amiens/FR)
P 107 Stationarity in neuro-monitoring data
H.E. Heissler (Hanover/DE), K. König (Celle/DE), J. K. Krauss (Hanover/DE), E. Rickels (Celle/DE)
P 108 The brain-helmet: a new non-invasive system to measure ICP
S. Mascarenhas, L.E.G. Damiano, G.F. Vilela (São Carlos/BR), C. Carlotti, A.C. Santos, W. Seluque (Ribeirão Preto/BR)
0910 - 1000
Poster session 17 (P17) – Monitoring
C.B.-T. Ang (Singapore/SG)
P 109 The brain monitoring with information (BrainIT) technology network: current status
I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), I. Chambers (Newcastle/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening, J. Mattern (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nillson (Uppsala/SE), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES), R. Donald (Dingwall/GB), A. Stell, R. Sinnott (Glasgow/GB)
P 110 The AVERT-IT Ward Web Application (WWA): a web based tool for collection of the brainIT core dataset
R. Donald, P. Mellon (Dingwall/GB), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), I. Chambers (Newcastle/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening, J. Mattern (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES), R. Sinnott, A. Stell (Glasgow/GB)
P 111 Trigger characteristics of EUSIG defined hypotensive events
R. Donald (Dingwall/GB), I. Piper (Glasgow/GB), I. Chambers (Newcastle/GB), G. Citerio (Monza/IT), P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE), B. Gregson (Newcastle/GB), T. Howells (Uppsala/SE), K. Kiening, J. Mattern (Heidelberg/DE), P. Nilsson (Uppsala/SE), A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT), J. Sahuquillo (Barcelona/ES), R. Sinnott, A. Stell (Glasgow/GB)
P 112 ICP rise in TBI patients is preceded by a rise in bispectral index
R. Wijemunige, J. V. Rosenfeld, D. J. Cooper (Prahran/AU)
P 113 Prediction of outcome in traumatic brain injury (TBI) that requires surgery: Is this clinically relevant?
S.C. Ng, H. Wong, D.W. Ng, W.S. Poon (Hong Kong/HK)
P 114 Posttraumatic vasospasm evaluated with transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in traumatic brain injury patients
M. Gura, I. Elmaci, S. Yüzer, R. Sari (Istanbul/TR)

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