The abstract submission is closed. The scientific committee of ICP 2010 thanks all the authors for handing in more than 230 abstracts. The review process has been already finished.
The abstract submission was possible to the following topics:
- Biophysics of ICP and brain deformation
- Experimental aspects of raised ICP
- Different types of acute brain injury - experimental studies
- Brain pressures and autoregulation in acute brain injury
- ICP in relation to clinical monitoring: Transcranial Doppler, NIRS, cerebral blood flow, microdialysis, brain oxygenation, and others
- Treatment and outcome in acute brain pathologies
- Changes of ICP in hydrocephalus pathophysiology: Cause or effect?
- Hydrocephalus shunt technology: How to control water in a brain?
- Interstitial and cerebrospinal fuid flow
- Intracranial hypertension in non-injury brain pathology (eg. pseudotumor cerebri, craniostenosis, metabolic brain oedema)
- PET, MRI/MRS: intracranial pressure and imaging techniques
- ICP in anesthesia and neurointensive care
- Consequences of intracranial hypertension
Special Focus "Monitoring Child's Injured Brain":
- All topics from above in relation to traumatic, hemorrhagic, ischemic or acute hydrocephalic brain injury in children
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- Please create your own account under "Author sign up". You will then receive an e-mail containing your access key.
- Please log-in with your access key and your e-mail. Click "Abstract Submission" and follow the indicated steps.
- After successful abstract submission you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
- You may log-in any time to submit more abstracts until the abstract-deadline or to make changes to abstracts already submitted.
Advices for Authors of Abstracts
- Abstracts have to be limited to 3.000 characters (including spaces, but excluding title, author names, and affiliations).
- If the abstract contains charts, diagrams or graphics, please use gif- or jpg-files. You may submit up to two figures per abstract with a maximum of 250KB per figure. All figures will be printed in black-and-white.
- Please use the following headings for your abstracts:
- Background
- Material and Methods
- Key Results / Statistics
- Conclusion
- Presenting authors will receive an e-mail or letter informing about abstract acceptance and the final format (oral or poster presentation).
- Presentations and Posters have to be in English.
- Once the abstract is accepted, presenting authors commit themselves to attend the congress. Regular registration is obligatory and binding and implies payment of regular registration fee. Presentations where authors have not registered 4 weeks prior to the conference will be removed from the program.
The International Scientific Advisory Committee will review and score all abstracts. Decision regarding oral or poster presentation will depend on score, unless poster is the preferred option. Depending on the number of submissions, we might be forced to limit the number of oral presentation per author.
The authors of the best scoring abstracts will be invited to submit a short paper at the time of the conference and until 4 weeks thereafter. If accepted for publication, short papers will appear Medline listed in the conference proceedings, published as Supplementum to "Acta Neurochirurgica".
Deadline for abstract submission:
May 17, 2010
Deadline for early bird registration:
July 30, 2010
Notification of abstract acceptance:
June 28, 2010
please contact:
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Markt 8
Phone 5
Fax 1