Wednesday, September 15, 2010
0800 - 0900
Chair |
Hydrocephalus – bench & animal research
U. Meier (Berlin/DE) |
O 53 |
Telemetric ICP-meassurement with the first CE-approved device: data from animal experiments and initial clinical experiences
M. Kiefer (Homburg-Saar/DE), I. Krause (Aachen/DE), S. Antes, M. Schmitt, R. Eymann (Homburg-Saar/DE) |
O 54 |
In-vitro-tests of 910 hydrocephalus valves – a final conclusion after 22 lab-years
A. Aschoff, D. Biedermann, J. Ludwig, A. El Tayeh, M. Akbar, P. Kremer, B. Hashemi (Heidelberg/DE) |
O 55 |
Tests of explanted valves – methods, failures, limitations
A. Aschoff, D. Biedermann, J. Ludwig, B. Hashemi (Heidelberg/DE) |
IL 5 |
Invited lecture: monitoring autoregulation in the immature brain with near-infrared spectroscopy
K. Brady (Houston TX/US) |
0900 - 0910
Coffee break |
0910 - 1000
Presentation of posters - Session 10-12 |
1000 - 1020
Coffee break |
1020 - 1140
Chair |
Monitoring child‘s injured brain: NIRS and hydrocephalus
A.-M. Guerguerian (Toronto/CN), A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
O 57 |
Comprehensive continuous cerebral oxygen metabolism monitoring through ventilator-gated analysis of cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy
T. Heldt, F. Kashif (Cambridge MA/US), H. O’Leary, M. Suleymanci, A. du Plessis (Boston MA/US), G. Verghese (Cambridge MA/US) |
O 58 |
CSF and cerebral blood flows in intra-ventricular haemorrhagic newborns - comparison to normal controls
O. Balédent, C. Capel, B. Krepjowicz, V. Courtois, A. Fichten, R. Bouzerar (Amiens/FR), M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), G. Kongolo, C. Gondry-Jouet (Amiens/FR) |
O 59 |
Monitoring and testing of ICP dynamics can reveal asymptomatic treatment failure in pediatric
A. Speil, C. Nagel, K. Haas, A. Bevot, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
O 60 |
Invasive ICP measurements in infants presenting with progressive macrocephaly and enlarged subarachnoid spaces – results of a prospective clinical trial
S.A. Ahmadi, M. Schulz, U.W. Thomale (Berlin/DE) |
O 61 |
First clinical experiences with a new telemetric intracranial pressure probe in pediatric neurosurgery
C.A. Tschan, W. Wagner, S. Welschehold, S. Vulcu, J. Oertel (Mainz/DE) |
O 52 |
Polyethylene Glycol and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine attenuate macrophage adhesion on ventricular catheters
C. Harris, P. McAllister (Salt Lake City UT/US), J. Resau, R. West, E. Hudson (Grand Rapids MI/US), C. Moon (Salt Lake City UT/US) |
O 56 |
Effects of decompressive craniectomy on aqueductal pulsatility in experimental communicating hydrocephalus
P. McAllister (Salt Lake City UT/US), M. Wagshul, S. Rashid (New York NY/US), M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
1144 - 1200
Coffee break |
1200 - 1300
Chair |
Non-invasive ICP assessment
M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
O 62 |
Improving non invasive ICP monitoring
C. Puppo (Montevideo/UY), M. Chacón, C. Pardo (Santiago de Chile/CL), L. Moraes (Montevideo/UY), J. Camacho (Madrid/ES), J. Landerretche (Santiago de Chile/CL) |
O 63 |
Non-invasive assessment of ICP – analysis of accuracy
B. Schmidt (Chemnitz/DE), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), R. Plontke, J.J. Schwarze, J. Klingelhöfer (Chemnitz/DE) |
O 64 |
Noninvasive continuous estimation of intracranial pressure: a model-based, patient-specific and calibration-free approach
F. Kashif, T. Heldt (Cambridge MA/US), V. Novak (Boston MA/US), M. Czosnyka (Cambridge GB), G. Verghese (Cambridge MA/US) |
O 65 |
Non-invasive absolute intracranial pressure measurement without calibration problem clinical study
A. Ragauskas, V. Petkus, R. Zakelis, V. Matijosaitis, S. Rutkauskas (Kaunas/LT) |
O 66 |
OtoAcoustic Emissions measurements as a new non-invasivemethod for intracranial pressure monitoring
L. Sakka, T. Hassoun, F. Giraudet, P. Avan, J. Chazal (Clermont-Ferrand/FR) |
1300 - 1430
Lunch break |
1320 - 1420
Inagural meeting - International Pediatric Brain Monitoring Group (iPBMG) |
1430 - 1510
Chair |
Anthony Marmarou memorial lecture
J. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
IL 6 |
Monitoring ICP and beyond – Tony Marmarous legacy
A. Unterberg (Heidelberg/DE) |
1510 - 1550
Chair |
Severe TBI – insights
J. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
O 67 |
Favorable outcome in TBI-patients with impaired cerebral pressure autoregulation when treated at low CPP-levels
U. Johnson, P. Nilsson, E. Ronne-Engström, T. Howells, P. Enblad (Uppsala/SE) |
O 68 |
The linear relationship between transcranial Doppler pulsatility indices and intracranial pressure is influenced by traumatic brain injury and vasospasm
T. Glenn, X. Hu, D. McArthur, C. Hanuscin, M. Furreedan, P. Vespa, N. Martin (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 69 |
Continuous monitoring of Monro-Kellie doctrine in traumatic brain injury
D.-J. Kim (Toronto/CN), M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), E. Carrera (Cambridge/GB, Lausanne/CH), C. Haubrich (Aachen/DE), Z. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), M. Kasprowicz (Wroclaw/PL), P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), M. Balestreri (Pavia/IT), A. Pena (Cambridge/GB), O. Baledent (Amiens/FR), J.D. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
1550 - 1600
Coffee break |
1600 - 1650
Presentation of posters - Session 13-14 |
1650 - 1710
Coffee break |
1710 - 1810
Chair |
Monitoring aspects
M. Söhle (Bonn/DE) |
O 70 |
Intracranial pressure telemetry: first experience of an experimental in vivo study using a new device
B. Orakcioglu, C. Beynon, M. Kentar (Heidelberg/DE), R. Eymann, M. Kiefer (Homburg-Saar/DE), O. Sakowitz (Heidelberg/DE) |
O 71 |
Drift of the Bowman Hemedex® cerebral blood flow monitor between calibration cycles
S. Wolf (Munich/DE), P. Vajkoczy, J. Dengler (Berlin/DE), L. Schürer (Munich/DE), P. Horn (Berlin/DE) |
O 72 |
Bedside study of cerebral critical closing pressure in patients with severe traumatic brain injury, a transcranial doppler study
C. Puppo (Montevideo/UY), J. Camacho (Madrid/ES), B. Yelicich, L. Moraes, A. Biestro, H. Gomez (Montevideo/UY) |
O 73 |
Lack of consistent ICP pulse morphological changes during episodes of microdialysis LPR ratio elevation
X. Hu, C. Xie, P. Vespa (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 74 |
Release of the atrial natriuretic peptide reflects the neuroendocrine stress response following brain injury and may serve as a biomarker for outcome prediction
A. Kleindienst (Erlangen/DE), G. Brabant (Manchester/GB), N.G. Morgenthaler (Berlin/DE), I. Emtmann, N. Scheufler, M. Buchfelder (Erlangen/DE) |
Gala dinner Abbey Bebenhausen |
Poster Sessions
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 10 (P10) – Hydrocephalus 3
N. Alperin (Miami FL/US) |
P 65 |
A correlated diffusion tensor imaging and cytopathology study of mild and severe forms of hydrocephalus in neonatal rats
W. Yuan (Cincinnati OH/US), P. McAllister, K. Deren, M. Packer (Salt Lake City/US), F. Mangano (Cincinnati OH/US) |
P 66 |
Delta-ADC analysis in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
T. Osawa, M. Mase (Nagoya/JP), T. Miyati, H. Kan (Kanazawa/JP), K. Demura, H. Kasai, M. Hara, S. Yuta, K. Yamada (Nagoya/JP) |
P 67 |
The association between cardiac output, arterial blood pressure and intracranial pressure wave amplitudes in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
P.K. Eide (Oslo/NO) |
P 68 |
Mathematical modeling of normal pressure hydrocephalus: coupling tissue mechanics, CSF dynamics and blood capillary pressure
M. Lesinigo (Lausanne/CH), J. Pickard (Cambridge/GB), M. Discacciati (Lausanne/CH), A. Peña (Milano/IT), A. Quarteroni (Lausanne/CH) |
P 69 |
Dependence of cerebrospinal fluid pressure and volume on the changes of serum osmolality in cats
J. Marakovic, I. Jurjevic, D. Chudy, M. Vukic, M. Klarica, D. Oreskovic (Zagreb/HR) |
P 70 |
In-vitro analysis of pressure gradients during neuro-endoscopy
F. Dewaele (Ghent/BE), A. Kalmar (Groningen/NL), H. Vereecke, J. Caemaert, D. Van Roost (Ghent/BE) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 11 (P11) – BioPhysics 2
A. Ragauskas (Kaunas/LT) |
P 71 |
Feature-based peak recognition in challenging intracranial pressure signals
F. Scalzo, S. Asgari, S. Kim, M. Bergsneider, X. Hu (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 72 |
Real-time tracking of intracranial pressure signal morphology using bayesian inference
F. Scalzo, R. Hamilton, S. Kim, S. Asgari, M. Bergsneider, X. Hu (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 73 |
Identifying ICP B waves based solely upon ICP pulsatile waveform morphology
M. Kasprowicz (Cambridge/GB), M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US), M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), X. Hu (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 74 |
Extending an intracranial latency analysis model facilitates non_invasive detection of cerebrovascular changes
S. Asgari (Los Angeles CA/US), A. Subudhi (Colorado Springs/US), P. Vespa, X. Hu, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 75 |
Computerized data analysis of multimodal neuromonitoring parameters identifies patients with reduced cerebral compliance
R. Faltermeier, M. Proescholdt, A. Brawanski (Regensburg/DE) |
P 76 |
Consistent changes in ICP waveform morphology induced by acute hypercapnic cerebral vasodilatation
X. Hu, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 12 (P12) – Miscellaneous
Takeshi Maeda (Tokyo/JP) |
P 77 |
Complications of ventriculostomy for intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring: Are they avoidable?
W.S. Poon, F. Tsang, S. Ng, G. Wong (Hong Kong/HK) |
P 78 |
The effect of body position on intraocular and CSF pressures in lateral ventricle, cortical and lumbar subarachnoid space in cats
M. Klarica, T. Kuzman, I. Jurjevic, I. Mandac, M. Rados, D. Oreskovic, H. Jednacak, M. Bulat (Zagreb/HR) |
P 79 |
ICM+ – versatile software for assessment of CSF dynamics
P. Smielewski, Z. Czosnyka, M. Czosnyka, J. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
P 80 |
Treatment options for intracranial arachnoid cysts and their outcome – a retrospective study of 69 patients
A. Vedel Holst, P.L. Danielsen, M. Juhler (Copenhagen/DK) |
P 81 |
External ventricular drainage catheters: Do antibiotic or silver impregnation decrease the risk of infections?
J. Lemcke, F. Depner, F. Al-Zain, U. Meier (Berlin/DE) |
P 82 |
Motor imagery-based brain-computer interface for the rehabilitation of the paretic upper extremity following stroke
K.K. Ang, K.S. Phua, K. Chua, C.T. Guan, C.B.-T. Ang (Singapore/SG) |
1600 - 1650
Chair |
Poster session 13 (P13) – Hydrocephalus 4
W. Wagner (Mainz/DE) |
P 83 |
First adjustable gravitational unit - useful device against overdrainage syndrome in children
P. Vacek, P. Struncova (Plzen/CZ) |
P 84 |
Microfabricated shunt to mimic arachnoid granulations for the treatment of communicating hydrocephalus
F. Kralick, H. Noh, J. Oh (Philadelphia PA/US) |
P 85 |
An uncommon case of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension with diagnostic pitfalls
M. Mrfka, K. Pistracher, B. Schöckler, S. Wissa, S. Kurschel-Lackner (Graz/AT) |
P 86 |
Health-related quality of life in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: profile and impact of hydrocephalus
G. Wong, W.S. Poon, M. Chan, T. Gin, R. Boet, S. Ng (Hong Kong/HK) |
P 87 |
Adjustment of pressure-level in shunted hydrocephalus with gravitational valves – The end of overdrainage-related complications?
C. Sprung, F. Freimann (Berlin/DE) |
P 88 |
The history of gravitational valves 1975–2010
A. Aschoff, B. Vienenkoetter, D. Haux (Heidelberg/DE) |
1600 - 1650
Chair |
Poster session 14 (P14) – Experimental Studies
R. Burger (Hanover/DE) |
P 89 |
Development of an experimental model to study the pathophysiology of cerebral salt wasting following subarachnoid hemorrhage
A. Kleindienst (Erlangen/DE), N. Sharma, L. Linde (Washington WA/US), M. Buchfelder (Erlangen/DE), J.G. Verbalis (Washington WA/US) |
P 90 |
Brain swelling but not release of thrombin from extravasated blood following acute subdural hematoma influences lesion development
B. Alessandri, T. Krämer, A. Heimann, O. Kempski (Mainz/DE) |
P 91 |
Correlation of intracranial pressure to the central venous pressure in the late state of acute liver failure in a porcine model
K. Scheuermann, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, W. Klingert, E. Hawerkamp, J. Scheppach, A. Königsrainer, M.H. Morgalla, M.U. Schuhmann, M. Schenk (Tübingen/DE) |
P 92 |
Intravenous injection of human umbilical cord matrix stem cell (Wharton jelly stem cell) provides functional recovery in a rat model of traumatic brain injury
M.T. Joghataei (Tehran/IR) |
P 93 |
Experimental comparison of the measurement accuracy of the Licox® and Raumedic®Neurovent-PTO brain tissue oxygen monitors
M. Morgalla, R. Haas, G. Grözinger, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, M. Schenk, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
P 94 |
New intracranial pressure minimally invasive (icpmi) method compared with invasive method in animal experimentation
S. Mascarenhas, G.F. Vilela (São Carlos/BR), B. Colli (Ribeirão Preto/BR), C. Wang (São Carlos/BR), W. Seluque (Ribeirão Preto/BR), L. Damiano, K. Nonaka (São Carlos/BR) |
P 95 |
Minimally invasive new ICP technique in pilocarpine epilepsy induced ictus of rats
G.F. Vilela, S. Mascarenhas, C. Wang (São Carlos/BR), W. Seluque (Ribeirão Preto/BR), L.E.G. Damiano, A. Tannús, K. Nonaka (São Carlos/BR) |