Dear Colleagues,
In 1972 a conference focusing on the measurement of intracranial pressure was organized in Germany at Hannover Medical School by Mario Brock, this has been the birth hour of the ICP conferences.
Almost 40 years later, intracranial pressure still remains one of the most important parameters to cast light on the “black box“ of a sick brain, primarily injured by trauma, hemorrhage or stroke. Monitoring of the intracranial pressure is nowadays mostly accomplished in a computerized fashion. Other invasive and non-invasive tools and different imaging modalities supplement ICP monitoring. Non-invasive ICP assessment has progressed considerably. All brain monitoring together tries to bring us closer to the ongoing brain pathophysiology, to improve our ability to counteracting harm in time. We have received excellent submissions from the field to compose a delightful and enlightening program.
Pediatric patients offer an additional challenge since the developing brain is different in many aspects. Adult experience and data can be transferred only in a limited fashion. Therefore we have created for the first time at an ICP conference a special focus on pediatric issues. We are delighted that distinguished key note speakers did follow our invitation and that we received high quality submissions regarding pediatric brain monitoring. The pediatric monitoring sessions will be held under the auspices of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN) represented by the ESPN president.
Regarding hydrocephalus, which has always been part of the ICP meetings, we are living in an exciting time. New concepts, like the hydrodynamic theory and the increasing knowledge about the role of pulsatility, challenge our traditional view of those “ventriculomegaly associated diseases”. Extended imaging possibilities mainly from the MRI field enable new views on pathophysiology. So we are looking forward to enlightening hydrocephalus sessions.
Tübingen is honored to be the host of the 14th ICP meeting. Mario Brock and David Price will recall the past for the current ICP community, to enable us to better appreciate the developments of the last four decades.
On behalf of the International Advisory Board we invite you to present your data to others, to discuss open minded and to learn from your fellow colleagues experiences and data to continue our mission, as our late leader Tony Marmarou has done for all his life: “Trying to answer some more questions, because there are so many questions, so many questions“
Last not least we have tried to arrange for a relaxing social program to give you ample opportunity to enjoy Tübingen, your colleagues and your life as an ICP scientist. Don‘t miss our Conference Party on Monday in the Tübingen Casino at the riverside, including a performance by Joo Kraus, one of the most distinguished German Jazz trumpet players and his combo, our sightseeing tour to the famous Castle of Hohenzollern on Tuesday and the Conference Gala Dinner at the Abbey of Bebenhausen, including medieval music and dance on Wednesday evening.
We wish you a most fruitful time in Tübingen, as well scientifically as socially.
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