Tuesday, September 14, 2010
0800 - 0900
Chair |
Brain tissue oxygen monitoring
M. Jaeger (Liverpool/AU) |
O 40 |
Comparison of brain tissue oxygen pressure measurements and oxygen derived autoregulation parameters with different probe types
M. Dengl (Leipzig/DE), M. Jaeger (Liverpool/AU), C. Renner, J. Meixensberger (Leipzig/DE) |
O 41 |
Is the brain tissue oxygen pressure reactivity index (ORx) dependent on the type of oxygen probe? – an in vivo study
G. Grözinger, M. Schenk, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, M. Morgalla, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
O 42 |
Position of probe determines prognostic information from brain tissue pO2
L. Ponce Mejia, S. Pillai, J. Cruz, C. Robertson, X. Li, J. Hannay (Houston TX/US) |
O 43 |
Measurement of brain tissue oxygen, brain temperature and intracranial pressure – evaluation of a new multiparameter neuromonitoring device
C. Hohaus (Halle Saale/DE), G. Huschak (Leipzig/DE), B.C. Kern, H.J. Meisel (Halle Saale/DE) |
O 44 |
Visualization of cortex pO2 during an epidural mass lesion in rodents
J. Warnat, G. Liebsch, E.-M. Stoerr, A. Brawanski (Regensburg/DE) |
0900 - 0910
Coffee break |
0910 - 1000
Presentation of posters - Session 7-9 |
1000 - 1020
Coffe break |
1020 - 1050
Chair |
Pediatric key note
P. van Ouwerkerk (Amsterdam/NL) |
IL 3 |
Pediatric traumatic brain injury: present state and future vision
P. D. Adelson (Phoenix AZ/US) |
1050 - 1140
Chair |
Monitoring child‘s injured brain
P. van Ouwerkerk (Amsterdam/NL), M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
O 45 |
Temporal profiles of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity in children with severe traumatic brain injury
P. Lewis (Prahran/AU), B. Carter, W. Butt (Parkville/AU), J. Rosenfeld (Prahran/AU), W. Maixner (Parkville/AU), M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
O 46 |
Physiological responses to autoregulation testing in children with traumatic brain injury
L. Padayachy, U.K. Rohlwink (Cape Town/ZA), E. Zwane (Swaziland/ZA), A.C. Argent, G. Fieggen (Cape Town/ZA), P.D. LeRoux (Pennsylvania/US), A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
O 47 |
Bioinformatics analysis of mortality associated with elevated intracranial pressure in children
M. Wainwright, R. Lewandowski (Chicago IL/US) |
O 48 |
Decompressive craniectomy in pediatric patients – single center series and systematic review
P. Schuss, E. Güresir, V. Seifert, H. Vatter (Frankfurt a.M./DE) |
1140 - 1200
Coffee break |
1200 - 1300
Chair |
Monitoring child‘s injured brain – ptiO2
K. Brady (Houston TX/US) |
IL 4 |
Invited lecture: monitoring and managing brain tissue oxygen in children
A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
O 49 |
The relationship between ICP and brain tissue oxygen in pediatric traumatic brain injury
U.K. Rohlwink (Cape Town/ZA), E. Zwane (Swaziland/SZ), P.D. LeRoux (Pennsylvania/US), A.C. Argent, G. Fieggen, A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
O 50 |
Cerebral perfusion pressure thresholds and brain tissue oxygen in children
U.K. Rohlwink (Cape Town/ZA), P.D. LeRoux (Pennsylvania/US), G. Fieggen, A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
O 51 |
Normobaric hyperoxia in children with traumatic brain injury
A. Figaji, E. Zwane, U.K. Rohlwink, P.D. LeRoux, A.C. Argent, G. Fieggen, J.C. Peter (Cape Town/ZA) |
1300 - 1400
Lunch break |
Start conference Tour |
Poster Sessions
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 7 (P7) – Hydrocephalus 2
E. Schmidt (Toulouse/FR) |
P 44 |
ICP pulse wave analysis and diagnosis of iNPH: Comparison of time-domain versus frequency-domain oriented methods
M.U. Schuhmann, S. Buddhakoralage, A. Speil (Tübingen/DE), J. Helm (Leipzig/DE), M. Jaeger (Liverpool/AU), P. Eide (Oslo/NO) |
P 45 |
Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) and co-morbidity: an outcome analysis of 134 patients
J. Lemcke, M. Ullrich (Berlin/DE) |
P 46 |
Near Infrared Spectroscopy as possible non-invasive monitor of slow vasogenic ICP waves
R.A. Weerrakody, Z. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB), C. Zweifel (Basel/CH), G. Castellani (Pavia/IT), P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), K. Brady (Baltimore MD/US), J.D. Pickard, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 47 |
Lack of correlation of overnight monitoring data and lumbar infusion data in iNPH patients
A. Speil, J.C. Sosa, B.E. Will, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
P 48 |
Predicting gait responses of normal pressure hydrocephalus patients to extended CSF lumbar drainage using predrain overnight ICP recording
X. Hu, R. Hamilton, D. McArthur, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 49 |
Keeping CSF valve function with urokinase in children with intra-ventricular haemorrhage and CSF shunts
M. Galarza, J.F. Martínez-Lage, M.A. Perez Espejo (El Palmar, Murcia/ES) |
P 50 |
Fixed, dilated pupils following traumatic brain injury: What are the implications?
A. Helmy, P. Kirkpatrick, H. Seeley, E. Corteen, D. Menon, P. Hutchinson (Cambridge/GB) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 8 (P8) – Monitoring Childs Brain
B. Depreitere (Leuven/BE) |
P 51 |
Pressure reactivity, ICP and anaerobic metabolites in a piglet model of traumatic brain injury
K. Kibler, J. Mytar, B. Easley (Baltimore MD/US), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), K. Brady (Baltimore MD/US) |
P 52 |
Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular autoregulation after pediatric hypoxic-ischemic cardiac arrest and hypothermia
J. Lee, K. Brady, K. Kibler, J. Mytar, E. Carter, J. Billet, R. Easley, C. Hogue (Baltimore MD/US), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), D. Shaffner, R. Koehler, K. Hirsch (Baltimore MD/US) |
P 53 |
Cerebral blood flow autoregulation is preserved after severe cortical impact, but impaired when intracranial pressure is elevated in an infant swine model
K. Kibler, J. Mytar, B. Easley (Baltimore MD/US), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), K. Brady (Baltimore MD/US) |
P 54 |
Evaluating a non-invasive tool for measuring intracranial pressure in african children with infectious encephalopathies
S. Gwer, M. Kazungu, E. Chengo, R. Idro (Kilifi/KE), T. Birch, R. Marchbanks (Southampton/GB), P. Kager (Amsterdam/NL), F. Kirkham (Southampton/GB), C. Newton (Kilifi/KE) |
P 55 |
The use of transcranial Doppler in pediatric traumatic brain injury
L. Padayachy, U.K. Rohlwink (Cape Town/ZA), E. Zwane (Swaziland/SZ), G. Fieggen, A. Figaji (Cape Town/ZA) |
P 56 |
Role of transcranial Doppler sonografic (TDS) control of cerebral edema in acute period of severe pediatric traumatic brain injury
D. Zinenko, A. Mitnikov, Z. Selezneva, T. Ermolaeva, S. Gorchakov, F. Hafizov (Moscow/RU) |
P 57 |
ICP guided care in children with serious traumatic brain injury: an epidemiological study
A.-M. Guerguerian, D. Shaffner, D. Wensley, A. Joffe, E. Gilfoyle, A. Korneki, J. Gilleland, S. Dhanani, E. Tsai, D. Withington, C. Farrell, J. Hutchison (Toronto/CA) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 9 (P9) – Autoregulation/ptio2/CBF 2
P. Lewis (Prahran/AU) |
P 58 |
Monitoring of ICP and PtO2 during aneurysm surgery and in postoperative period
K. Rzewuski, I. Kojder, D. Jezewski, B. Rzewuska (Szczecin/PL) |
P 59 |
Evaluation of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity index using non-invasive arterial blood pressure
M. Kasprowicz, E. Schmidt, D.-J. Kim, E. Carrera, C. Haubrich, Z. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 60 |
Continuous assessment of cerebral autoregulation with near infrared spectroscopy in adults after subarachnoid hemorrhage
C. Zweifel (Basel/CH), G. Castellani, M. Czosnyka, E. Carrera (Cambridge/GB), K. Brady (Baltimore MD/US), P. Kirkpatrick, J. Pickard, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB) |
P 61 |
Comparison of a new brain tissue oxygenation probe with the established standard
S. Wolf, P. Horn, C. Frenzel (Berlin/DE), L. Schürer (Munich/DE), P. Vajkoczy, J. Dengler (Berlin/DE) |
P 62 |
Evidence of cortical spreading depressions in a cortical intracerebral hemorrhage swine model: impact on cerebral blood flow and metabolism
B. Orakcioglu, Y. Uozumi, M. Kentar, E. Santos, A. Unterberg, O. Sakowitz (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 63 |
Loss of autoregulation precedes terminal ICP increase in anhepatic pigs
G. Grözinger, M. Schenk, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, M. Morgalla, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
P 64 |
Initial existence and loss of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure (CPPopt) in pigs undergoing anhepatic liver failure
G. Grözinger, M. Schenk, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, M. Morgalla, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |