Monday, September 13, 2010
0800 - 0900
Chair |
Treatment of raised ICP
M. Smrcka (Brno/CZ) |
O 13 |
Effect of hypertonic saline on brain metabolism: relationship between microdialysis, brain tissue oxygenation and outcome
P. Al-Rawi, M.-Y. Tseng, J. Nortje, I. Timofeev, B. Matta, P. Hutchinson, P. Kirkpatrick (Cambridge/GB) |
O 14 |
Efficacy of repeated 14.6% saline boluses in lowering intracranial pressure in the traumatic brain injury patient
R. Eskandari, M. Filtz, G. Davis, E. Skalabrin (Salt Lake City UT/US) |
O 15 |
Comparison of the effect of hypertonic saline and mannitol on intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow and metabolism in severe traumatic brain injury
E. Mahamid (Haifa/IL), F. Masson (Bordeaux/FR), V. Shik (Haifa/IL), V. Petit, F. Sztark (Bordeaux/FR), M. Zaaroor, J. F. Soustiel (Haifa/IL) |
O 16 |
Cerebral blood flow and metabolism following decompressive craniectomy for control of increased intracranial pressure
J.F. Soustiel, G.E. Sviri, E. Mahamid, V. Shik, S. Abeshaus, M. Zaaroor (Haifa/IL) |
O 17 |
Decompressive craniectomy in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage – a single-center matched-pair analysis
Y. Uozumi (Tokorozawa/JP), O. Sakowitz, B. Orakcioglu, E. Santos, M. Kentar, D. Haux, A. Unterberg (Heidelberg/DE) |
0900 - 0910
Coffee break |
0910 - 1000
Presentation of posters - Session 1-3 |
1000 - 1020
Coffee break |
1020 - 1140
Chair |
ICP and the cerebrovascular system
P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), T. Glenn (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 18 |
Latency relationships between cerebral blood flow velocity and intracranial pressure
S. Asgari, X. Hu, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 19 |
Inter-subject correlation between morphological metrics of cerebral blood flow velocity pulse and intracranial pressure pulse exists
X. Hu, R. Hamilton, P. Vespa, T. Glenn, N. Martin, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 20 |
Non-invasive estimation of intracranial compliance from the arterial pressure waveform
M.O. Kim, A. Avolio (Sydney/AU) |
O 21 |
Changes in cerebral compartmental compliances during mild hypocapnia in patients with traumatic brain injury
E. Carrera (Cambridge/GB), L.A. Steiner (Lausanne/CH), G. Castellani, P. Smielewski, C. Zweifel, C. Haubrich, J.D. Pickard, D. Menon, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
O 22 |
Cerebrovascular time constant in carotid artery occlusive disease
M. Kasprowicz (Wroclaw/PL), C. Haubrich, P. Smielewski, J. Diedler, E. Carrera, E. Sorrentino, Z. Czosnyka, J.D. Pickard, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
O 23 |
Investigation of the relationship between trans-cranial impedance and intracranial pressure
M. Shaw, I. Piper, P. Campbell, C. McKeown, J. Britton, K. Oommen, L. Stewart (Glasgow/GB), I. Whittle, R. Gregson, E. Clutton (Edinburgh/GB) |
1140 - 1200
Coffee break |
1200 - 1300
Chair |
Hydrocephalus – imaging pathophysiology
Mark Wagshul |
O 24 |
Quantification of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus
R. Hamilton, J. Dye, A. Frew, K. Baldwin, X. Hu, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
O 25 |
Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and cerebral venous drainage patterns in untreated idiopathic intracranial hypertension
N. Alperin, S. Ranganathan, R.-W. Tain, M. Letzing, G. Athapilly, B. Lam (Miami FL/US) |
O 26 |
Pre- and post-shunt MR-Elastography in normal pressure hydrocephalus – evaluation of a new in-vivo method and possible implications for pathogenesis
C. Sprung, F. Freimann, I. Sack (Berlin/DE) |
O 27 |
Respiration as the major force of cerebrospinal fluid movement
S. Yamada (Oiso, Nakagun/JP), M. Miyazaki, Y. Yamashita, S. Shimizu (Otawara Tochigi/JP), T. Goto (Oiso, Nakagun/JP), G. McComb (Los Angeles CA/US), K. Shima (Tokorozawa Saitama/JP) |
O 28 |
Analysis of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus before and after tap test
M. Mase, K. Demura, T. Osawa, M. Hattori, H. Kasai (Nagoya/JP), T. Miyati (Kanazawa/JP), K. Yamada (Nagoya/JP) |
1300 - 1430
Launch break |
1320 - 1400
Lunchtime Seminar: RESCUEicp study – an update |
Update on the RESCUEicp decompressive craniectomy study for TBI (www.RESCUEicp.com)
P. Hutchinson (Cambridge/GB) |
Discussion |
1430 - 1550
Chair |
Experimental studies in brain injury
N. Plesnila (Dublin/IE), J. Soustiel (Haifa/IL) |
O 29 |
The peptide AF-16 and the AF protein counteract intracranial hypertension
H.-A. Hansson, M. Al-Olama, E. Jennische, K. Gatzinsky, S. Lange (Goteborg/SE) |
O 30 |
Mitochondrial protection by inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition pore results in ICP relief and correction of brain metabolism
J. F. Soustiel, F. Milman, M. Zaaroor (Haifa/IL) |
O 31 |
Influence of sedation on neuronal death and outcome
D. Hertle, C. Beynon, K. Zweckberger, B. Vienenkötter, C. Jung, K. Kiening, A. Unterberg, O. Sakowitz (Heidelberg/DE) |
O 32 |
Intracranial hypertension induces a transition from capillary to thoroughfare channel shunt flow and brain edema in rats
D.E. Bragin, R.C. Bush, W.S. Müller, E.M. Nemoto (Albuquerque/US) |
O 33 |
Monitoring of cerebral autoregulation using pressure reactivity index (PRx) in acute liver failure due to acetaminophen-intoxication in a porcine model
E. Hawerkamp, M. Schenk, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, K. Scheuermann, W. Klingert, J. Scheppach, A. Königsrainer, M.H. Morgalla, M.U. Schuhmann (Tübingen/DE) |
O 34 |
Extracellular brain ammonia levels in association with arterial ammonia, intracranial pressure and the use of albumin dialysis devices in pigs with acute liver failure
K. Zwirner, C. Thiel, K. Thiel, M.U. Schuhmann, M.H. Morgalla, A. Königsrainer, M. Schenk (Tübingen/DE) |
1550 - 1600
Coffee break |
1600 - 1650
Presentation of posters – Session 4–6 (see page 20–21) |
1650 - 1710
Coffee break |
1710 - 1810
Chair |
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
I. Ng (Singapore/SG) |
O 35 |
Shunt-dependent posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus correlates with S100B release into serum and cerebrospinal fluid following subarachnoid haemorrhage
S. Brandner, X. Yu, C. Schmidt, I. Emtmann, M. Buchfelder, A. Kleindienst (Erlangen/DE) |
O 36 |
Correlation of clinical outcome and angiographic vasospasm with the dynamic autoregulatory response after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
M. Barth, J. Moratin, M. Dostal, J. Scharf, K. Schmieder (Mannheim/DE) |
O 37 |
Hemodynamic changes induced by a 20 ml lumbar drainage in patients with good-grade subarachnoid haemorrhage – a prospective PET study
E. Schmidt, S. Silva Sifontes, J.F. Albucher, A. Luzi, I. Loubinoux, A.C. Januel, C. Cognard, P. Payoux, F. Chollet (Toulouse/FR) |
O 38 |
Early CT-perfusion measurement after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage – a screening method to predict outcome?
M.A. Kamp, H.-J. Heiroth, B. Turowski, H.-J. Steiger, D. Hänggi (Düsseldorf/DE) |
O 39 |
Intraventricular thrombolysis combined with head-shaking after severe subarachnoid haemorrhage. clinical and radiological results of a prospective randomized single center phase II study |
Conference party in the Tübingen Casino
S. Eicker, N. Etminan, K. Beseoglu, J. Perrin, B. Turowski, H.-J. Steiger, D. Hänggi (Düsseldorf/DE) |
Poster Sessions
Monday, September 13, 2010
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 1 (P1) - Autoregulation/pdio2/CBF
O. Sakowitz (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 1 |
How does moderate hypocapnia affect the pressure autoregulation in TBI patients?
C. Haubrich (Aachen/DE), P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), L. Steiner (Lousanne/FR), M. Kasprowicz (Cambridge/GB, Wroclaw/PL), J.D. Pickard, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 2 |
Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity using THx depends on power of slow oscillations
J. Diedler (Heidelberg/DE), C. Zweifel, K. Budohoski, M. Kasprowicz, E. Sorrentino, C. Haubrich (Cambridge/GB), K.M. Brady (Baltimore MD/US), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB) |
P 3 |
Cerebral autoregulation assessment or cerebral vasoreactivity monitoring? – similarities and differences between Mx and Prx
A. Lavinio, M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), L. Steiner (Basel/CH), E.A. Schmidt (Toulouse/FR), J.D. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
P 4 |
Assessment of cerebral autoregulation from respiratory fluctuations in arterial blood pressure in mechanically ventilated patients with traumatic brain injury
P. Lewis (Prahran/AU), P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), J. Rosenfeld (Prahran/AU), J.D. Pickard, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 5 |
A continuous measure of the association between cerebral blood flow velocity and intracranial pressure, and its relationship to intracranial compliance, cerebral autoregulation and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury
P. Lewis (Prahran/AU), P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB), J. Rosenfeld (Prahran/AU), J.D. Pickard, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 6 |
Comparison of changes in brain tissue oxygenation, tissue oxygen index and tissue hemoglobin index in response to transient changes in cerebral hemodynamics
K.P. Budohoski, C. Zweifel, J. Diedler, M. Kasprowicz, E. Sorrentino, C. Haubrich (Cambridge/GB), K.M. Brady (Baltimore MD/US) P. Smielewski, J.D. Pickard, P.J. Kirkpatrick, M. Czosnyka (Cambridge/GB) |
P 7 |
The value of the pulsatility index for the assessment of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in head injured patients
C. Zweifel (Basel/CH), E. Carrera, M. Czosnyka, J. Pickard, P. Smielewski (Cambridge/GB) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 1 (P2) - Treatment of Raised ICP
N. Juul (Aarhus C/DK) |
P 8 |
An update on the RESCUEicp Decompressive Craniectomy Trial – www.rescueicp.com
P. Hutchinson, I. Timofeev, E. Corteen, S. Grainger, M. Czosnyka, D. Menon, J.D. Pickard, P. Kirkpatrick (Cambridge/GB) |
P 9 |
The Role of decompressive craniectomy in ICP management in traumatic brain injury
M. Smrcka, V. Jurán, A. Mrlian (Brno/CZ) |
P 10 |
Late decompressive craniectomy as rescue treatment for refractory high intracranial pressure in children and adults
C. van der Meer (Beek Ubbergen/NL), E. van Lindert, R. Petru (Nijmegen/NL) |
P 11 |
From Heroism to evidence based therapy: 75 years hemicraniectomy of MCA-infarctions
A. Aschoff, K. Geletneky (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 12 |
Prostacyclin affects the pressure reactivity in TBI patients treated by an ICP targeted therapy
L.-O. Koskinen, M. Olivecrona, L. Bobinski (Umeå/SE), Z. Olivecrona (Uppsala/SE) |
P 13 |
Treatment of intracranial hypertension by sorbitol-based infusion solutions: a prospective clinical study
V. Chernyshov, O. Garashchuk (Kyiv/UA) |
P 14 |
Intraventricular local cooling: A new strategy to control ICP- crisis?
M. Schmitt, R. Eymann, S. Antes, M. Kiefer (Homburg-Saar/DE) |
P 15 |
A microdialysis study of oral vigabatrin administration in head injury patients: preliminary evaluation of multimodality monitoring
K. Carpenter, I. Timofeev, J. Nortje, M. Czosnyka, J. Pickard, P. Hutchinson (Cambridge/GB) |
0900 - 1000
Chair |
Poster session 3 (P3) - Hydrocephalus 1
J. Lemke (Berlin/DE) |
P 16 |
1058 patients with 1286 adjustable valves – a 22-year-experience
A. Aschoff, N. Biedermann, A. Piotrowicz, B. Vienenkoetter, P. Schiebel, D. Hertle, D. Haux, C. Dictus (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 17 |
Implantable ICP monitor for improved hydrocephalus management
E. Stehlin, D. Budgett, S. Malpas, P. Heppner, P. Hu (Auckland/NZ) |
P 18 |
789 patients with 981 gravitational valves – a 25-year-experience
A. Aschoff, D. Haux, C. Dictus, B. Vienenkoetter (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 19 |
Frontal and Temporal Horn Ratio: A new and reliable index to determine ventricular size in pediatric hydrocephalus patients?
S. Antes, M. Kiefer, M. Schmitt, M. Lechtenfeld, R. Eymann (Homburg-Saar/DE) |
P 20 |
Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: results of a prospective cohort of 236 shunted patients
M.-A. Poca, J. Sahuquillo, E. Solana, F.R. Martínez-Ricarte, M. Romero, D. Gándara (Barcelona/ES) |
P 21 |
Comparison of pre- and post-operative intervention on cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in patients with hydrocephalus
R. Hamilton, J. Dye, A. Frew, K. Baldwin, X. Hu, M. Bergsneider (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 22 |
Repeatability of CSF dynamics measurement using a computerised infusion study
D. Swallow, Z. Czosnyka, M. Czosnyka, J.D. Pickard (Cambridge/GB) |
1600 - 1650
Chair |
Poster session 4 (P4) – Subarachnoid/Intracerebral Haemorrhage
P. Horn (Berlin/DE) |
P 23 |
Decompressive craniectomy for vasospasm related infarction following subarachnoid hemorrhage: the influence of the size of infarction
E. Güresir, P. Schuss, V. Seifert, H. Vatter (Frankfurt a.M./DE) |
P 24 |
Functional guidance of circulation management by longterm evoked potentials in cerebral vasospasm due to subarachnoidal hemorrage – how to find the good H – preliminary results
H. Yahya, C. Brückner, A. Schoenfeld, D. Heinkel, N. Aljanoubi, M. Zimmermann (Duisburg/DE) |
P 25 |
Effect of increased ICP and decreased CPP on DND and outcome in ASAH
K. Karnchanapandh (Bangkok/TH) |
P 26 |
Sudden shifts and gradual drifts in static intracranial pressure during long-term monitoring in patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage: experience from simultaneous measurements from different sensors
P.K. Eide, T.R. Meling, W. Sorteberg (Oslo/NO) |
P 27 |
fluid lactate levels after withdrawn of metabolic suppressive therapy in subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
M. Stein, J. Schonmacher, W. Scharbrodt, M. Bender, M. Oertel (Giessen/DE) |
P 28 |
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography evaluation in intracerebral hematomas
I. Elmaci, M. Gura, R. Sari, E. Sagiroglu (Istanbul/TR) |
P 29 |
Prior statin use has no effect on survival after non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage: an observational study in a multiethnic asian patient population
V. Tay, J.C.J. Allen, C.B.-T. Ang (Singapore/SG) |
P 30 |
Extra-ventricular drainage improves survival after intracerebral hemorrhage complicated by hydrocephalus: more benefit for patients with higher ICH Score
V. Tay, J.C.J. Allen, C.B.-T. Ang (Singapore/SG) |
1600 - 1650
Chair |
Poster session 5 (P5) – Intracranial Hypertension
A. Brawanski (Regensburg/DE) |
P 31 |
CSF and venous outflow disturbances in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
S. Gasparyan, A. Shakhnovitch, V. Shakhnovitch, S. Abuzaid, N. Arutunov, N. Eliseeva (Moscow/RU) |
P 32 |
Endovascular treatment of acute thrombosis of brain sinuses, accompanied by intracranial hypertension
S. Yakovlev, S. Gasparyan, A. Bocharov, K. Mikeladze, N. Serova, A. Shakhnovich (Moscow/RU) |
P 33 |
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with oral contraceptives: ICP management
M. Galarza (El Palmar, Murcia/ES), R. Gazzeri (Rome/IT), J.F. Martinez Lage (El Palmar, Murcia/ES) |
P 34 |
Systemic concentrations of inflammatory mediators are associated with the duration of intracranial hypertension in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
L. Mascia, I.M. Mastromauro, F.C. Bagna, B. Assenzio, E.L. Martin, E. Corno, E. Menaldo, B. Assenzio, D. Pasero, L. Del Sorbo, M. Berardino, M. Fontanella, A. Ducati (Turin/IT) |
P 35 |
Why mortality is still high with modern care of 577 evacuated mass lesions presented as severe head injuries 1999–2009
L. Levi, J. Guilburd, J. Soustiel, G. Sviri, M. Constantinescu, M. Zaaroor (Haifa/IL) |
P 36 |
ICP-CPP-measurement: quality management vs. plug-and-play-mentality
A. Aschoff, O. Sakowitz (Heidelberg/DE) |
P 37 |
Influence of spontaneous breathing during APRV on regional cerebral and spinal blood flow
S. Kreyer, J. Zinserling, H. Wrigge, A. Berg, M. Soehle, T. Muders, C. Putensen, R. Hering (Bonn/DE) |
1600 - 1650
Chair |
Poster session 6 (P6) – BioPhysics – Non-Invasive ICP Monitoring
I. Piper (Glasgow/GB) |
P 38 |
Non-invasive measurement of ICP pulse amplitude strongly correlates with outcome after TBI
K.P. Budohoski (Cambridge/GB), B. Schmidt (Chemnitz/DE), M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski, M. Kasprowicz (Cambridge/GB), R. Plontke (Chemnitz/DE), J.D. Pickard (Cambridge/GB), J. Klingelhöfer (Chemnitz/DE) |
P 39 |
Use of nonlinear mapping to improve non-invasive intracranial pressure estimation derived from data mining approach
S. Kim, F. Scalzo, M. Bergsneider, X. Hu (Los Angeles CA/US) |
P 40 |
Improvement of a non-invasive ICP assessment method after individual calibration
B. Schmidt, M. Weinhold, M. Czosnyka, J.J. Schwarze, J. Klingelhöfer (Chemnitz/DE) |
P 41 |
Value of cerebral rheography for non-invasive ICP-monitoring – a study on healthy subjects
S. Brehmer (Mannheim/DE), M. Wagner, E. Stettin, S. Röhrer, U. Kunz, U.-M. Mauer (Ulm/DE) |
P 42 |
Value of cerebral rheography for non-invasive ICP-monitoring – a study on patients in combination with invasive ICP monitoring
S. Brehmer (Mannheim/DE), M. Wagner, E. Stettin, S. Röhrer, U. Kunz, U.-M. Mauer (Ulm/DE) |
P 43 |
Realization of a comprehensive noninvasively detection of intracranial pressure analyzer based upon FVEP and TCD
Z. Ji, L. Yang, M. Xu (Chongqing/CN) |