ICP2010 Program Overview

 ICP 2010 Program brochure

 ICM+ user meeting

Please click here for the detailed scientific program:
-> September 12, 2010
-> September 13, 2010     Poster Sessions
-> September 14, 2010     Poster Sessions
-> September 15, 2010     Poster Sessions
-> September 16, 2010     Poster Sessions

 Guidelines for poster presentations
 Guidelines for oral presentations
 Guidelines Acta Neurochirurgica

Confirmed Speakers

    Mario Brock (Germany)
    Andreas Unterberg (Germany)
    David Price (UK)

    Anthony Marmarou Memorial Lecture
    Andreas Unterberg (Germany)

Pediatric Sessions (under the auspices of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery)

    Key Note Lecture
    P. David Adelson (USA)

    Confirmed Speakers
    Ken Brady (USA)
    Anthony Figaji (South Africa)

Contact: web design and programming: K. Scheffler last update: Sep 23rd 10  © NCH 2018